Home Birth Hire
Birth Pool Hire
Enhance your birthing experience with a birthing pool:
soothes labour pains
allows for a water birth option
easy to use and operate
The increase in women choosing to birth in water has meant that finding a birth pool can sometimes be difficult. As a result the Association has two birth pools and pumps, which women are able to hire.
You can hire your birthing pool from the Canterbury Homebirth Association at only:
$90 for Professional Members (includes liner)
$120 for non-members (includes liner)
$45 for pool liner only (plus postage if required)
We can supply birth pool liners separately for $45. The liners are a rectangle shape which is 2340 mm (wide/opening) x 2200 mm (long/deep). They are made for the common hexagon shaped pools with the PVC pipe framework but they will fit any pool with an external circumference up to 4680 mm.
For all pool hire enquiries please email poolhire@canterburyhomebirth.org.nz, including your expected due date.